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Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Only Ex You Hate

......I'm so sorry guys, I'm running out of banters. Blame the exams for coming so fast.

This is the real deal. The big boss fight. The Bowser in Mario games. The confession time (brothers in the friend/brother zone, I'm winking at you right now). Yep. The exams. Doesn't matter what kind of exams, the semester exams, mid-term exams, final exams, internal exams, external exams, they make us cringe, don't they. Exams are very important, especially in grades 9 to 12 since universities will look at scores from those grades. I know some of you are like, "Ah, shiitake mushroom, my grades back then were so bad" and cry in the corner of your room. Don't worry, the IB will help you by a lot. Now, I know my recent posts weren't exactly encouraging you or anyone to join the IB, but now I'll tell you, IB is an internationally recognized curriculum, which means most universities will take your IB Diploma into account (they said) that it's an advantage since they (the university admission) know what IB is all about. Except American universities. Only some of them take in IB scores, but most of them don't so...yeah. The land of freedom can do whatever they want.

Examination times are always the most stressful for us students because what we've studied are going to be tested and we have to be able to  pass the test. If not, then we've been going to school for nothing. However, there are some ways for you to not be stressful in exam period.

First, you have to be prepared. Study study study. Ask your teachers, clarify what you don't understand, practice past papers, read some notes and books. Sacrifice some free time for your studies. It's for your future.

However, studying non-stop can damage your brain and soon enough, you're going to be mental. So, once in a while, rest. Breathe in, breathe out. Go outside for a while, to get some fresh air. Take a little nap. I do not suggest playing video games or watching the telly though, because you might get carried away and whoopsy daisies you forgot to study, you're too tired, you overslept, and you are doomed for the exams.

So basically, study hard but don't force yourself. That's it for now, got to go study.

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